About Us

Funded Projects

    • Construction materials
    • Portable water purification and distribution
    • Timber processing
    • Furniture manufacturing
    • Meat processing
    • Organic and chemical fertiliser manufacturing
    • Engineering projects
    • Silicates manufacturing

To be an innovative and responsive development finance institution for the sustainable provision of market competitive value-added goods and services for the local and export markets.

To identify, develop and implement new and existing industries and industrial undertakings that promotes decentralisation of sustainable industrial development, equitable employment and empowerment opportunities in Zimbabwe.

Transparency: open to public scrutiny

Professionalism: adherence to all professional standards

Innovation: exploring new possibilities

Dynamism: Responsive and adaptive to changing environment

Equality: equal employment and empowerment opportunities

Environmental Protection: promoting environmentally sustainable growth

Integrity:  honesty, fairness as we discharge our duties

Our Strategy Resides on Four Pillars:

1. Project identification, development, and implementation.

2. Industrial project financing (along prioritized value chains).

3. Joint venture partnerships.

4. Innovation and technology for efficiency, value addition and beneficiation.

©2024. Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe Limited. All Rights Reserved.